"Famous and Trusted" Maha Shivanadi Astrology Center

Guru Ji P. Karan Swamy

Chief Nadi Astrologer

"Om nama Sivaya"

Remedies Of Nadi Astrology

Nadi Astrology helps you to know your life karma, resolve the effects of your past life sufferings and live your future in the way you like best.

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Why do we do astrological remedies?

Not everyone who receives guidance on remedies performs them. Some are motivated in your mind to perform pujas to their family deities, provide food to poor people, help orphans, donate to temples, establish charities etc. Do you know what comes to your mind? You are the knowledge or guidance given by God as a result of your virtues and noble deeds in your past lives.

When a man appears on earth his soul carries the good and bad deeds of his past births. If a soul has done only good deeds in its past lives, then that soul gets many benefits by living on this earth. If the same soul has done only evil deeds in its past births, it gets bad consequences (Misfortunes) throughout life. So the soul is responsible for the sufferings and many benefits experienced in this birth. So the aim of a good soul should be to avoid evil deeds and do good deeds.

Three paths are prescribed to atone for sin.

To say goodbye to all these questions you can search Shanti chapter.

According to the first path, Nadi Astrology seeks to identify the miseries in our lives, and as a remedy for our evil deeds, we must perform the opposite act of mercy where the miseries are. Have you been celibate for a long time after reaching marriageable age in your life?

If you perform free marriage for poor couples and worship the Lord’s idols, you will get married soon and enjoy happiness in life.

According to the second path, if one builds a temple, enshrines the deity and promotes good deeds to human beings, he can remove the evil effects of sins committed in his past births. For example, if one is unmarried due to sarpathosha (snake dosha) which causes obstacles in attaining marriage status, if he goes to the temple daily to worship the Lord and give alms to the poor and needy people, his past life’s evil deeds will be completely removed.

By performing the above mentioned remedial measures, he will surely get married and enjoy happiness. The purpose of the second path is said to be to inspire others to follow the path of righteousness and thereby help them to remove the effects of their previous birth’s evil deeds. Shantikandam advises a person to atone for sins committed in past births and reveals ways to increase the number of good deeds in order to experience changes in his life through his divine secret paths.

Therefore, if one follows the Guru’s old sayings and practices the ways of Shantikandam, he is sure to experience great changes in his life.

According to the third path, one can reduce the evil effects of sins (past births) by chanting the original mantra of the Gods faithfully, performing pujas, feeding the poor, helping orphans, donating to temples, and establishing charities. If you do not follow this path and cultivate evil thoughts, God will give you bad results instead of good ones.

By taking remedial measures you get the desired effect within few days. The effect of past evil deeds, doing penance properly, using a true astrologer and your lifestyle are the factors that determine the duration of the desired result.

Some people may not be able to get rid of their problems even if they follow these remedies mentioned in Nadi Astrology Remedies chapters. To get rid of it, one should repeat the native name, moon, birth star, astam, lineage name etc., chant the mantra and perform some pujas. The details of this pooja mantra, the ways to lead a successful life etc. will be explained from the writings of palm leaves. This is the final guideline given by the Maharishi

Only those who follow the prescribed remedial measures under the guidance of the Guru can get the benefits. Remedial remedies carried out with the guidance provided by us in a prescribed manner will definitely bring benefits in life.

A man cannot find the cause of his sufferings and happiness in life. “As you sow, so shall you reap” is the proverb. As the saying goes, if you sow good, you will reap good. The harvest depends on the quality of the seeds sown in the land.

There are few obstacles to fulfilling responsibilities and leading a peaceful life. These hindrances are the result of sins committed in past births, by knowing Shanti Chapter in Nadi Astrology one can know about past birth karmas, solutions from problems and remedial measures.

Almighty God rules the world. Based on the actions of our past births,. It is true that “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”. If you intend to do good deeds and practice them in your daily life, you can get all the benefits of life. Sometimes a question arises in the mind, “What sin have I committed that I am suffering so much in this life?” To say goodbye to all these questions you can search Shanti chapter. Three paths are prescribed to atone for sin.